Links and Files:

***My Favorite Links and Files

Free and Pay Versions

CCleaner for Windows

Free and Pay Versions

Malwarebytes for Windows

Click to Download

List of Mostly Open Source Linux Apps Some of Which Run on Windows - 986 times downloaded since 12-30-2021

***My Favorite Free Operating System

Best Linux Operating System Called OpenSuSE

***For the Linux Lovers

Mycroft AI So much fun!!!!!

***Free Linux Operating System For Windows Users To Try

A Beginners Linux Operating System That Looks Like Windows Called Zorin OS

***Free Books on Several Coding Languages

PHP Notes For Professionals
Linux Notes For Professionals
Windows Powershell Notes For Professionals
Python Notes For Professionals

***My Favorite Text Editor

My Favorite Text Editor Named KATE For Windows, Mac, and Linux

***The Planetary Society

The Planetary Society A Non-Profit Global Space Advocate Society

Site Last Updated: February 10th, 2024

Number of Visitors: 16270 since 1-7-2023

The real reason for the poor remaining poor AND more and more are becoming poor!